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Writer's pictureBridget

Weather & Fishing & Hunting (oh my)

Well, summer was nice and lasted approximately six days.  Fall arrived last Saturday and is here to stay I think.  Temps have been around 60.  We’ve had a ton of rain this week; the lake has risen 8+” in less than a week.  Today it was fairly windy, and we all know what that means!  Fishing was phenomenal!

Actually, fishing’s been pretty darned good this week.  Today, however, seemed to put smiles on lots of faces.  Roger & Nancy reported a very good day, with Roger catching the biggest but Nancy catching the most.  She even hedged on berry picking tomorrow ’cause she doesn’t want to miss out on the action!  Jim Flory and his buddies are newcomers to Wabaskang.  They’ve been doing great all week–limiting out on walleye Sunday or Monday.  They’ve also played with some nice northerns and are already talking about next year.  Music to our ears.

We have a real group of go-getters this week.  Even with the cold, wet weather, everyone is out fishing early.  The women are right out there with their husbands and stay out all day! 

We have two bear hunters in Camp this week.  Both have seen bears.  One has seen some wolves.  They’re the real troopers this week–sitting in a tree in the driving rain.  They’re being patient and choosy about their bears.  Cross your fingers for them.  Here’s a trail cam photo that I almost threw away ’cause I thought it was nothing…take a closer look…

Where's Waldo?

Where's Waldo?

Look up in the tree.

We ladies have been doing a little hunting of our own.  We have been blueberry picking with abandon!  Today we picked in the rain for a couple of hours.  We were soaked to the skin!  It’s just too much fun to stop. 

Jenny's checking her progress.

Jenny's checking her progress.

Shari and Mary use different picking techniques:  kneeling and bending.

Shari and Mary use different picking techniques: kneeling and bending.

Blueberries and moss

Blueberries and moss

Just look at those things!  Nice big berries this year!

Just look at those things! Nice big berries this year!

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