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Writer's pictureBridget

September Food and Fun

Updated: Mar 20, 2020

With a smooth turnover into week 16, Ryan and Earl were able to do some fishing on Saturday. No one was counting or anything, but Earl outfished Ryan 13 to 8- nice job Earl! So you know what that meant for dinner:

This is actually a fish fry pic from the Duckworths

Those two knuckleheads got out later in the week again and caught 50 walleye between the two of them- Earl outfished Ryan yet again. Poor Earl was complaining he couldn’t finish a smoke because of all the activity, lol.

So, guess what they had for dinner, again:

Colors are starting to change at camp, and the crisp, cool nights are coming along with it. Many heard how the Northern Lights were showing magnificently this week. I told Ryan to wake his #ss up for it- he spent 20 minutes on the dock Sunday night just watching it; said how beautiful it was but pictures didn’t turn out, so sorry to report that. Water temp is dropping to around 60 degrees and fish are starting to move deeper. Though temps have been cooling down, walleye fishing has been heating up both in numbers and size! Check out just some of the fish caught and released by Tall Pines guests this week-

Look at this 26.25″ bad boy that Russ reeled in:

Nice hat too:

Dave caught and released this nice 24 incher:

and a 25 incher:

Tyler’s 25.5″ beauty:

Mike wasn’t to be outdone by his buddies:

And, though the pic doesn’t do it justice in my opinion, the motherload caught by Tim (look at those clouds behind him) was this guy measuring at 27.25″:

Hope everyone is enjoying the opening week of Football. Ryan loves to eat snacks for dinner during football season. So all guests who were Bears fans were invited to come over to watch the game in lieu of traditional potluck this week. Then he (begrudgingly) invited Packers fans over too. Tough game- but good heckling and fun on both sides.

Some fall projects are starting to get underway- I can’t wait to share what cabin Ryan began working on this week- but you’ll just have to wait for now. I love the great responses to last week’s Facebook post “Which is your favorite cabin at Tall Pines?” Funny, how it’s the people you shared them with and the experiences that make the cabins memorable- they each have some unique quality about them- hence why the answers were all over the place! And thanks to all who still check in each week. Fall grouse hunting is almost here- if you can get out of dodge for a few days, it’s not too late to give us a call and we’ll book you one of our heated cabins. Til next time…

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