Season’s Greetings to Everyone! We hope you had a lovely Christmas surrounded by friends and family.
We’re not used to being home during Christmas. It had been at least 10 years since we were present during the last-minute shopping, gatherings, etc. I’ve got to be honest with you: it’s a lot easier to just go away!!! However, we spent Christmas with our pseudo-family–dear friends with whom we spend nearly all special occasions
We have special love for Rick & Pat!
We did our best to get into the holiday spirit around the Grupe household
Kayla ready for her Christmas party!
Kayla took this photo of Santa
Then even visited with him for a minute or two
I’m not sure if I’m prepared to stay home every year but I have a while to think about it!
Good news on our home front: Niece Anna became engaged last night to two-year boyfriend Benny!!!! I guess a 2014 wedding is being planned:
Other than that, things are pretty quiet around here. I taught all but two days in December! We’re gearing up for the sports show season now, which entails updating pictures for our display, making sure we have plenty of printed materials, making hotel reservations, etc. No rest for the wicked, I hear…
Again, we hope everyone had a great Christmas. We wish you all good health and happiness for the New Year!