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Writer's pictureBridget

It's a Wrap

Closing out yet another month, and what a month its been up at Tall Pines Camp. I've been so relaxed I almost forgot about doing another blog. The weather has been overall fantastic. Some crazy warm days as well as a few windy and rainy days. Got a short snow flurry one morning, but that's about it. A pleasant fall to say the least.

Water temps are now in the low 50's. The walleye have been unpredictable, as they've been changing depths and haven't been committing as they did a few weeks ago. Jig and minnow, casting plastics, and bottom bouncing have been successful. The weeds are dying out quickly now, and dinking and dunking at both shoreline at 8 feet as well as in the middle of the lake up to 22' have produced some decent results.

Jeremy was so excited to get back to Tall Pines- he was like a little kid that got extra recess time- and his recess on the Wabaskang did not disappoint.

This guy, one of Ryan's top 7 best friends, had some epic days. He said he caught more quality pike, in terms of size, numbers, and thickness on this trip than all the other places he's been in Canada

The wind dictated location making it a little tougher fishing, but he was still able to get into some nice walleye:

and bonus... a whitefish!

The perch have been solid:

Chris and Jeff got up primarily for the grouse hunting, but also snuck in some fishing on a great weather day. The smallmouth were on fire:

And here's our progression of dressing for fishing in October:

The stillness in this moment- Ryan enjoying a last fishing off the docks...

and then the sad day where he moved them for the winter...

And of course some incredible views of the sky to take in:

For those that didn't see I posted on our website a "Best of '21 Season" video. Thanks to all those that shared pics and sorry we couldn't post every pic sent. Check it out:

Steve Grupe also made it up fall grouse hunting and snuck in some fishing as well. It was nice to see Steve relaxed and in his element. Earl and Patsy made it back home. Their trip home had its challenges and delays but they are finally home safe.

For Ryan and me, we will be winterizing and closing up things here shortly. We've enjoyed this month to go at a leisurely pace, take in some Whiskey Jack nights, do a lot of hiking and fishing, sleep in (it doesn't get light til 7:30 AM now!) and not gonna lie- we're a little, no very, sad to leave this place. But as John Vanada pointed out, that's normal. Everyone is sad to leave Tall Pines, whether they've been here for 5 days or 5 months. It's kind of like watching the White Sox lose in the playoffs- disappointing, and sad watching a season come to an end (but already getting excited for next season!)

As this will be the last fishing pic blog for a while, check your emails over the winter for our annual newsletter with camp announcements. Feel free to send us your email address if you'd like to be added to our list. And for any 2021 guest that would still like to send some pics for the big fish gallery, please do. We'll keep our Facebook/Instagram posts going. Thanks to all those who are spreading the word about Tall Pines. We thank you. And that’s a wrap

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