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Writer's pictureBridget

Happy August

I need to make a couple of shout-outs here.  Happy bday to my seester Rebecca (yesterday) and my big brother Dan (tomorrow)!  Also, a quick update on Pat, who left a week ago Sunday after one day.  She had successful gallbladder surgery a week ago Tues., was released from the hospital in St. Joe, MO, last Thurs., and was back here in Camp by Sunday night.  She does admit that maybe she rushed things a bit (you think?) but has improved day by day up here and is about back to her old self! 

August is apparently a big month for bdays (must be those long, boring winters?).  We had three birthdays to announce at potluck last night, starting with Dylan who turned 8 and Brad and Rita who weren’t divulging.  We also had some nice fish releases:  Brad released a 25″ walleye Monday, Gwin released a 23″ walleye early in the week, and Robbie released a big smallmouth earlier in the week.  Watch for photos on the web page.  While fishing was better-than-average throughout July, we weren’t seeing any trophy-sized fish.  It’s nice to see those big walleye surfacing again!  I’m sure I’ll be adding more big fish throughout the remainder of season.

Last week ended with a lot of happy people!  George and Betty had their limits filled and headed home on Fri.  Betty sent me this photo of a bear swimming in the Lake:

Quent’s group had a great time and I think accomplished all of their missions.  We saw a cinnamon bear at the dump and a couple of moose along the road.  They caught plenty of fish and seemed to thoroughly enjoy their stay.

Our folks from home, Tom & Carol, Mark & Carol, and Mark Carroll & Jan (talk about confusion!), had a lovely time!  Tom was the only one who’d been here before, and he played organizer and host for his wife and their friends.  Fishing was good, their menus were splendid, and everyone had fun!

Caution: do not attempt to drink with these people!

Enter this week.  We have a nearly full Camp.  Everyone has fished Wabaskang except Brad and Robbie (from the Quad-Cities!).  All of our guests have done very well this week.  Our Bear’s Den group are old pros.  They’ve had their limits pretty much every day and return in the afternoons for r & r or go back out and just catch and release (yeah!!!). 

They won't catch a darned thing there!

Randy and co. in the Eagle’s Nest have had a ball (as usual).  They combine pleasure boating, fishing and family time in a way that makes a vacation what it should be.  The boys can be seen pedal boating around the docks, looking for frogs in the window well, or getting ready to clean their day’s catch:

Check out those smallies and that perch!

their mixed bag

So, what have we been doing?  I’ve been blueberry picking (no surprise) and making messes in the kitchen.  Last night’s potluck featured two new dishes:  smoked, pulled pork and a blueberry/rhubarb (rhuberry) upside-down cake.  I believe both were well received.  Steve’s been BEAR BAITING!  Yes, folks, it’s time for funky bush photos again! 

Thus far his baits are being visited quite regularly.  I grabbed a couple of photos from the trail cams:

Roll out the barrell....

Now there's a pair to draw to!


I’ll keep you posted as we go along.  Bear hunting starts a week from Sunday, so Steve’s hard at work to make sure we have happy hunters. 

The weather is beginning to feel a bit fallish.  This morning and tomorrow morning are supposed to be downright chilly (40’s tomorrow morning).  We’re a bit breezy today which should ensure continued good walleye fishing.  We had a HUGE storm two nights ago–lots of wind, rain, and lightning.

I’d like to thank the folks who follow the blog regularly.  I love it when I get e-mails from people who’ve never visited Camp but follow my blog.  That’s very flattering, thank you.  I’ll do my best to keep it fresh, informative and fun.  Today I’ll close with a sunset I described as “creamy.”

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