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Writer's pictureBridget

A Bit of a Breather

Greetings!  Can you believe June is nearly over??  Time has flown so fast this season.  Fishing is consistent.  Folks are catching their walleye limits, enjoying good meals of fish, and getting into our “variety fishing” time of year.

As is always the case, the last week of June tends to be our first “quiet” week of the season.  We have a smaller-than-usual group this week which is fine with us.  Gruper and Murray are trying to get the metal on Cabin 2, and it is a job more easily accomplished with fewer bodies in Camp.


Staining of cabins and painting of everything else continues as well.  The men’s side of the shower house got a fresh coat this week:


We had only one Big Fish award last week:  Wayne released a 12.5″ perch.  I’ve not yet posted his picture (because I do not yet have it…) but I was able to add Kari’s big walleye and northern as well as Lee and Cindy’s big perch(es) to the site (

Kari’s husband Dan got into some perch during their stay:


and some walleye:


We’ve had tons of wildlife sightings but few pics.  Dan and Kari caught this busy beaver (could it be Winona’s, AG?) hauling a branch:


This wildlife hauls nothing


Mama mallard is hanging around our deck.  She and her younguns’ adopted a piece of floating land temporarily:


While Gruper and I were FISHING (yes, this early in the season!) we saw a gorgeous deer on shore:


Yes, Folks, we went fishing in June!  I had a very good couple of hours; my hubby, however, could not buy a walleye.  He calls that “guiding.”  He did catch one of the smallest bass(es) we’ve seen on Wabaskang:


Besides a few walleye(s), I caught some green reflections!


The weather is very, very mild this week.  Temps are around 70 during the day, cooling off nicely for sleeping.  We ended up with more rain this past week but fewer of the strong storms.  Here is a particularly ominous-looking sky from week before last:


The rain has made for some low-maintenance beauty around Camp:


Gruper shells lupine pods for me every fall.  We spread(ed) them along the wall in front of our house.  I LOVE the results!  Thank you, Honey!


This beauty is NOT low maintenance in any way, shape or form:



The rain has kept water level very good for this time of year.  We have no beach!


Mark’s been gone for over a week now.  Remember I mentioned that he’s a perch snob (only likes those 10″ and greater).  I think he said he lowered his standard to 9″ this year but I believe he and Sandy got their limit of piggies…


Our friends from home have been gone for over a week as well:(  Jan actually changed Gruper’s diapers when he was a baby:


That’s Jeff on the right.  He thoroughly enjoyed his first-ever trip to Canada!  Murray gave him and Annie royal treatment:


Jan hob-nobbed with our resident construction crew as well!


I didn’t want to say good-bye!  That’s Annie, Sheri and Amy on their last night.


Jan joined her family for an excellent shot:


Grinning ear-to-ear as I look at them!

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