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Writer's pictureBridget

2020 Blogging Begins...

I wanted to just check in with our Tall Pines family given this unprecedented time. Ryan and I finished our last sports show in Milwaukee on March 8th with an incredible momentum and excitement for this season... And then Corona happened.

We are just as baffled by the recent outbreak of COVID-19 virus as you are.  As the updates have changed multiple times this week, we don't want to jump to any conclusions or give any misinformation to our guests in regards to what this means for your planned trip.  We know every person is being impacted in some way, and our hearts go out to you. The Prime Minister closed the Canadian/US border to all non-essential travel at this point. We truly hope this precaution helps the spread of the virus so that the border can be open by season opener.

Tall Pines will post new updates to our website so as to not overwhelm with Facebook posts. We are participating in tele-townhall meetings, and are staying current with tourism and recreation organizations and Department of Ministry updates.  At this time we will continue taking bookings for the 2020 season.  We will  patiently wait before making any decisions at this time.  We are touched that numerous guests have sent us positive messages and are praying for us.   We will all see this through- God Bless our Earth.

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